Danny And The Battle Of The Golgoths

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In this first of the 'Danny' series by author, Dean C. Young, we meet Danny and his best friends, Cat and Steve. The comrades find that just trying to do good doesn't always turn out in their favor. They end up in big trouble that starts with Danny's computer. 

Danny and the Battle of the Golgoths tells of an accident that disables Danny and takes him on an adventure of terror inside his most frightening computer game.

From Danny: Chapter 11

     An ear curdling shriek came from where the double doors had been knocked down. Every monster froze in its place and turned toward the door. Filling the entryway was a monster of incredible height and size. It was every bit as ugly as the others but made them look like toys. Slowly it came through the opening, its green slimy arms hanging almost to the floor. The smaller monsters moved aside as the hulking abomination ambled past them. Upon reaching the hidden door, it rose to its full height, far above the statues, and let out another horrid scream.

     Steve held his ears. The terrible noise seemed to last forever. When the echoes finally died away, the super-monster stooped over and moved to the doorway. Making a fist the size of a big watermelon, it drew its arm back and punched the door. The door flew off its hinges as if it was paper and went sailing back, into the tunnel. The hulking green form stood up, raised its head and bellowed again. The hall came to life. Every monster sprinted to the opening and pushed into the tiny tunnel.

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